Archive for August, 2007



Ok, so it’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything in here, I guess I’ve been a bit lazy. Very lazy, I guess I’ve been watching to many DVD’s. But enough about my laziness, the plan is in this post is to split it into topics that are related to my life. Work, Church, Fun and Love.


Well, I’m still working for Primus Telecom under Hotkey Solutions, been there for a about a year and 3-4 months. The position I now hold is Level 2/Assistant Team Leader. This is a more management position, I now have a team to take care of and make sure they do their job, quite exciting for me I think. And it’s certainly going to be a different and challenging experience, but I feel that I’m going to a great job. Still on the topic of work, I’m a project manager for a new product which Hotkey Solutions is offering through Google Apps. For me, it’s pretty exciting, developing the product through Google so we could market it to the target we’re after. So I’m hoping it will go well in the next few weeks as we just launched it a couple of days ago.

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